Geert Wilders, eine der wenigen europäischen Ikonen im Kampf gegen die Islamisierung, hat sich wieder zu Wort gemeldet. Dieses Mal mittels eines Radiointerviews im Rahmen im Rahmen der "Facing Jihad" - Konferenz in Jerusalem. Israelnationalnews berichtet, daß Wilders klarstellt, daß die Opfer in Mumbai kein Zufall waren:
We saw that in a city of ten million people, the terrorists found the lone rabbi there and killed him, and separated the kafirs, the non-Muslims, from the Muslims and killed them.
Aber nicht nur der Islam selbst ist laut Wilders das Problem, sondern auch dessen Wegbereiter, die sich in Personen
"There are two big problems. One is Islam itself, and the second is the ruling elite. For instance, there was a recent poll in the Netherlands showing that 60% of the population feels that Islam is not compatible with democracy – yet at the same time, the government continues to let everyone in, subsidizing everyone, building more mosques, and acting as if Islam is just another religion."
und Denkweisen äußern, wie schon Mark Steyn erklärte:
"This is what we have to fight in order to preserve our Judeo-Christian culture, which I believe we should be proud of, and stop the biggest disease in Europe culture today: cultural relativism and political-correctness.”
In wenigen Worten bringt er das islamische Problem auf den Punkt
"But it’s not a religion; it has religious symbols, but it’s actually an ideology."
und erzählt von schrecklichen Vorfällen in ehemals freien Ländern:
"Jews and Christians are beaten up on the streets of my own country, and in Belgium, for drinking water in public during Ramadan!"
Der Holländer räumt mit linken Mythen auf:
"My most important message [to Israel] is to remember that this is not a territorial conflict, but ideological. You gave up Gaza, and what did it give you? Nothing good. "
Am Ende schlägt er Alarm
“We can, but we have very little time left. It’s five minutes to 12… We have to be very tough in terms of immigration, building mosques and everything that has to do with the Islamization of the continent."
und gibt Hoffnung:
"I am happy to see that other parties that are promoting these issues of immigration and Islamization are gaining momentum, so I hope that we will be able to work together against the [subservience] of the European ruling elite.”
Dieser Mann ist ein Held.
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