Despite a promise to remove attacks on other faiths from the public school curriculum, Saudi Arabia's state-produced textbooks still refer to Jews and Christians as apes and swine, insist that Jews conspire to take over the world and on Judgment Day "the rocks or the trees" will call out to Muslims to kill the Jews, says the Washington-based Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank.
Nina Shea, die Autorin der Studie des renommierten Hudson Institute, spricht sogar von gezielter staatlicher Indoktrination, um eine Generation von Freiheitshassern heranzuzüchten:
It radicalizes those who are indoctrinated with it. The aim is to radicalize students to hate the West, hate non-Muslims, to hate Jews, and to say that killing is sanctioned by God. Saudi Arabia is making every effort to make it mainstream in the Muslim world and make it the dominant interpretation of Islam."
Die Saudis geloben zwar Besserung,
Ms. Shea said Saudi Arabia agreed to make changes after pressure from the United States.
doch taten sie das auch schon in der Vergangenheit, ohne danach Taten zu setzen. Es gibt ja genug Dhimmis, die immer wieder darauf hineinfallen:
The international human rights lawyer said her latest study looked at the textbooks used in the 2007-08 school year. But she found little difference from the books studied for her first report and does not believe the Saudis will meet the September deadline. Rather, she believes they agreed to make the changes as a "publicity ploy."
Zusammengefasst die "Highlights" des Religionsunterrichts der Religion des Friedens:
Homosexuality is one of the most disgusting sins and greatest crimes. It is a vile corruption that goes against nature and it is one of the most corrupting and hideous sins.
They are the people of the Sabbath, whose young people God turned into apes, and whose old people God turned into swine to punish them. The apes are Jews, the keeper of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christian infidels of the communion of Jesus.
The Jews exploited the French Revolution to fight against religion, break down values, and spread meaningless slogans. They had a hand in planning the revolution and its code of morals. The Jews played a role in starting the First World War.
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